I'm 8 months pregnant, lounging on my living room floor with my whale belly up in the air and my toddler screaming beside me. I've got the TV remote in my hand, endlessly scrolling through the videos YouTube has offered up for my search on "how to prepare for birth" (this is why my toddler is screaming - having the TV on without watching Paw Patrol is tantamount to torture, of course). My stress is growing as I keep looking for something, anything, that stands out as useful...but every video is either too long, too generic, or consists of lots of advice on what NOT to do, rather than what TO do. Frustrated, I give up and put on Paw Patrol, stumbling my way through a few deep squats before heading off to dutifully bounce on my birth ball.
Sound familiar? While lots of us have an inkling that there are things we should be doing to help prepare our bodies and mind for birth, there's often very little out there telling us what exactly to do...and even more rare, why to do it. If you're lucky, maybe you've been given some stretched to do by your doula or midwife, but many of us are left to our own devices. I wish I'd known then what I know now, as a doula and prenatal yoga teacher: that there absolutely are things you can do for your body that are useful, that it matters to know why they're important, and that they don't have to take up a ton of your time.
I know not everyone has time to make it to a 60 minute prenatal yoga class, and I also know that for some the idea of stretching sounds like a waste of precious time. But I've also seen that how we move our bodies, especially in the end of pregnancy, matters a LOT: both for labor, birth, and recovery.
I could go on and on about this of course, but that's the last thing you need - because the truth is, it doesn't have to be complicated. So instead, I'm going to share my favorite poses for birth prep - the ones that will give you the most bang for your buck in your limited time.
So without further ado, here are five of my favorite prenatal yoga poses to help you get ready for the big day!
This one is an absolute gem! Low crescent lunge is fantastic for releasing tension in the hip flexors and uterine ligaments. When you stretch these areas, you give baby more room to settle into the pelvis, making room for a smoother labor. Plus, it frees up space for your breath to descend deeper into your belly, allowing your pelvic floor to relax and soften. As you sink into the lunge, think of it as a gift to your body—creating room for baby and building a sense of openness and ease.
Garland pose is a wonderful way to help create space in the pelvis, while also strengthening the hips, thighs, and pelvic floor. It's great for deepening your connection to your body and your breath. This squat-like position is amazing for getting baby into an optimal position, helping you feel grounded and strong, and it’s a great pose for when you're in labor as well. Feel free to use props or hold onto something for support if you need it. It’s all about finding comfort and strength!
Wide-legged child's pose is a fantastic way to release tension in the pelvic floor, hips, and low back. When you add some gentle dynamic movement—like swaying from side to side—you can create even more space and release. This pose is grounding for the nervous system and great for preparing the body for massage or a hip squeeze (which you might be very familiar with if you’ve been working with a doula or partner!). It’s a beautiful way to connect with your body and calm your mind.
Hero’s pose may seem deceptively simple, but it’s so effective in creating space in the pelvis and relieving tension in the pelvic floor. The internal rotation of the hips creates length and opens up areas that can become tight during pregnancy. If you’re feeling any tension through your chest or shoulders, this pose can help release that, too! If you want to take it to the next level, try reclining into it for a stretch in your quadriceps and hip flexors. Perfect for releasing any lingering tightness.
5. Cat/Cow Pose
Cat/Cow is such a gentle but effective pose for improving spinal mobility and relieving pressure, especially as your posture shifts during pregnancy. This movement is also fantastic for encouraging flexibility and movement in the pelvis, helping to release tension in the pelvic floor. Plus, it's a great way to start connecting your breath with movement, which will be incredibly useful during labor. As you flow through this pose, breathe deeply and let your body soften into each movement.
Bonus: Firelog Pose
If you’re feeling tightness in the outer hips (something many pregnant women experience), firelog pose is a wonderful way to help. This pose allows you to release tension in the hips, and when paired with hip-strengthening exercises like Warrior 2 or fire hydrants, it can help alleviate SI joint pain and discomfort. If you're dealing with tightness in the hips, this is a perfect addition to your practice!
Why Prenatal Yoga Poses Are So Effective
Prenatal yoga offers so many benefits, beyond just physical stretching and strengthening. It’s an opportunity for your body to practice physically before birth, helping your muscles and joints adapt to the changes of pregnancy. But it’s also a chance for your mind to practice relaxation techniques, so when labor arrives, it’s easier to enter a state of calm and focus. Yoga helps you connect with your breath, easing you into the parasympathetic nervous system—the opposite of the fight or flight response, which is crucial during labor. The best part? You don’t need a full yoga sequence to begin experiencing the benefits. Just a few minutes in one of these poses, with mindful attention to your breath, can do wonders for preparing both your body and mind for birth.
Ready for More Support?
If you’re looking to dive deeper into prenatal yoga or want more personalized support for your pregnancy journey, I’m here to help! I offer weekly prenatal yoga classes where we explore physical, emotional, and mental strategies for birth while connecting over common pregnancy concerns & joys. Or, if you’re interested in fitness-focused birth support, book a free doula consultation with me! I can’t wait to help you feel strong, calm, and ready for the amazing experience of bringing your baby into the world.